Goga Maglakelidze’s personal exhibition /June, 6-17/
Goga Maglakelidze is a representative of the generation of artists of the 80s. He gratuated from Tbilisi State Academy of Art in 1986. He used to be a member of an artistic association called “Archivists”. Since 1988 he has been actively working on religious themes. Later he created the sampes of church art as well. From this point of view, his most important work is wall painting in St. George church in the village of Vachevi executed in 2013-14. In the frames of the exhibition there was held a seminar, concerning Goga Maglakelidze’s creative acivity and the problems existing in the modern church art, where the artist spoke himself.
Goga Maglakelidze’s personal exhibition
Goga Maglakelidze’s personal exhibition /June, 6-17/
Goga Maglakelidze is a representative of the generation of artists of the 80s. He gratuated from Tbilisi State Academy of Art in 1986. He used to be a member of an artistic association called “Archivists”. Since 1988 he has been actively working on religious themes. Later he created the sampes of church art as well. From this point of view, his most important work is wall painting in St. George church in the village of Vachevi executed in 2013-14. In the frames of the exhibition there was held a seminar, concerning Goga Maglakelidze’s creative acivity and the problems existing in the modern church art, where the artist spoke himself.