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About Us
The G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation was founded in 2006, based on the integration of the G. Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art and S. Kobuladze Monuments Photo Recording Laboratory. The Centre is subjected to the Ministry of Culture and Monuments Protection of Georgia.
One of the main activities of the Centre is academic study of the Georgian art of both ancient and modern times, as well as of works of art of diverse provenance, kept in museums and private collections in Georgia. Research of monuments of architecture and sculpture, mural and easel painting, graphic arts, applied arts etc., as well as of various artistic trends and events is carried out based on the methodology elaborated by G. Chubinashvili and the Georgian school of art history, taking into consideration the worldwide experience in the field, in possibly vast art historical and interdisciplinary context.
Problems of protection and preservation of the cultural heritage properties is another significant field of activities of the Centre. It comprises generalization of both local and international experience of the heritage preservation, elaboration of the theoretical and practical recommendations, critical discussion of the newest achievements and tendencies, dissemination of the positive innovations among the professionals and their introduction in practice. The Centre also undertakes art historical study of the sites to be restored and provides methodological supervision, assessment and monitoring of works. The Centre takes part in the recording of the movable and immovable heritage properties.
In order to successfully perform its activities, the Centre carries out systematic planned recording (measuring, photo and video recording, etc.) of the heritage properties and works of art and maintains archives of the visual materials.
One of the main goals of the Centre is promotion of the works of art and of the knowledge about them. Therefore apart from the academic publications, it provides wide public with books, albums, booklets and other printed or electronic publications intended for the readers of diverse interests.
The Centre keeps tight contacts with high education institutions – many of the Centre staff members are professors or lecturers of art history, while the library and archives of the Centre are always accessible for the postgraduate and doctoral students.
The Center has rich traditions of collaboration and contact with the leading foreign academic bodies and scholars in the Europe, USA and former Soviet Union states
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